Collection of Information
Unless you are a registered member of our website and/or loyalty program, we do not collect personal information whilst you are only browsing this site.
We do collection personal information under some circumstances, including but not limited to:
- When you register on our website, register for our loyalty program or participate in a promotion.
- When you provide feedback via a form or questionnaire.
- When you send us email.
- When you call us.
When you visit our website, we, or third parties involved in the provision of the website (including but not limited to website hosting providers) may record information about your visit. This information is used anonymously for statistical purposes and is not used to identify an individual or an individual’s browsing activities. The information collected may contain:
- Your IP address and/or domain name.
- The pages and resources accessed or downloaded.
- The type of browser being used and other information provided by the browser about your computer and operating system.
- Details of the site visited immediately prior to visiting our site.